Vous êtes convié-es à l’atelier « Museums in Central Asia, Caucasus, and Eastern Europe: Rethinking Soviet Museum Management », prévu le lundi 30 octobre, dès 13 h (heure d’Europe centrale), sur Zoom. L’activité est organisée par notre membre Maria Silina, avec le soutien du CBEES à l’Université de Södertörn et du CELAT-UQAM. L’atelier, qui se déroulera en anglais, rassemblera plusieurs conférencier-ères : Kristina Bekenova, Konstantin Akinsha, Cyrill Lipatov, Ana Lolua et Vera Dziadok.
Inscription requise : https://uqam.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtf-6ppj8vGdXj8UeK-KXSa55egnkSPFGh
Renseignements : silina.mariia@uqam.ca
Présentation de l’activitié
« Museums in many countries of Eurasia, such as Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan, have grappled with the institutional, conceptual, material, and legal legacy of Soviet museum management. Since the 1990s, this legacy has been reconceptualized and evolved in various directions, reframed through different conceptual frameworks. In response to the need for access to scholarship and practice across the region, particularly heightened by the Russian-Ukrainian war (2014-), we will explore some of the most acute topics, such as the quest for (post)national displays in both the past and the future, the politics and consequences of nationalization, provenance research and restitution efforts, accessibility of archives, contemporary curatorial practices, and the application and limits of concepts such as post-Soviet, epistemological violence, and emancipation in knowledge production, among others. The invited speakers are practitioners and scholars with first-hand experience in museum work. They will reflect on the process of knowledge creation, accessibility, changing political and research conditions in recent years. »
Part 1. 1:00-3:20 p.m. CET (dès 7 h AM, heure de Montréal)
Kristina Bekenova. Researching the Kazakhstan Museums of the 1920s and 30s
Oksana Kapishnikova. Working in Kyrgyzstan Museums: Historical Research and Curatorial Practice.
Konstantin Akinsha. Investigating provenance of avant-garde artworks from the museums in Central Asia and the Caucasus.
Pause: 10 minutes
Part 2. 3:30-6:00 p.m. CET
Cyrill Lipatov. Odesa National Fine Arts Museum.
Ana Lolua. Сonducting historical and ethnographic research at Georgian State Museum: reflections of an engaged outsider.
Vera Dziadok. Belarusian National Arts Museum in Minsk: creation of the soviet display