
Parution du livre Instruments of Knowledge: Finding Meaning in Objects, Habits, and Museums

Monographie | 30 août 2023 | Jean-François Gauvin

Jean-François Gauvin, directeur du CELAT, vient de publier chez Brill Publishing le livre Instruments of Knowledge: Finding Meaning in Objects, Habits, and Museums. À découvrir!

Présentation publiée sur le site web de l’éditeur
« In a bid to claim ‘scientific objects’ as requiring a significant amount of conceptual labor, this book looks sequentially at instruments, habits, and museums. The goal is to uncover how, together, these material and immaterial activities, rules, and commitments form one meaningful and credible blueprint revealing the building blocks of knowledge production. They serve to conceptualize and examine the entire life of an instrument: from its ideation and craft to its use, reuse, circulation, recycling, and (if not obliterated) its final entry into a museum. It is such an epistemological triptych that guides this investigation. »

Membres du CELAT concerné-es : Jean-François Gauvin