
Parution d’un numéro sur Baudrillard dans la revue MAST

Direction de numéro | 31 mai 2021 | Katharina Niemeyer et Magali Uhl

Le numéro spécial « Total Screen: Why Baudrillard, Once Again? » vient de paraître dans MAST: The Journal of Media Art Study and Theory, sous la direction de nos membres Katharina Niemeyer et Magali Uhl. Leona Nikolić(étudiante au CELAT) y signe un texte en lien avec son mémoire de maîtrise. La publication du numéro s’inscrit dans le prolongement de l’exposition ÉCRAN TOTAL, qui se déroule jusqu’au 17 juin au Centre de design de l’UQAM, à l’extérieur de celui-ci et sur la plateforme web du projet.

Extrait du texte introductif du numéro rédigé par Niemeyer et Uhl :
« The materiality of media in relation to current emergencies is more relevant than ever; the point of departure for the research and creations featured in both this special issue of MAST and in the ÉCRAN TOTAL/TOTAL SCREENexhibition has been almost completely overrun by the ongoing pandemic situation. At the same time, the latter ironically captures and implodes in a nutshell the main concepts Jean Baudrillard already pointed out decades ago in his visionary texts (mainly in the sixties and seventies): that the near future will be characterized by simulation, virality, implosion, and surveillance; the loss of signs and significations in the growing production of artificial meaning; and the subsequent longing for something else. […] The following special issue can therefore be understood as a way to engage in updating or re-introducing Baudrillard’s philosophy from a ‘pandemic standpoint,’ as well as a provocative essay collection that challenges the philosopher’s ideas within the current political, social, and cultural debates. While each article may be read individually, they are also entities entangled within discourses of similar concepts or topics and that deal with specific philosophical territories of thought. »

Sommaire du numéro


« From Viral Implosions to Deserts of the Real »
Katharina Niemeyer (CELAT) & Magali Uhl (CELAT)


« Hyporeality, the Society of the Selfie and Identification Politics »
William Merrin

« Exploring Hyperreal Transcendence through Research-creation: The Smartphone as Spiritual Interface between the Real and Virtual Selves »
Leona Nikolić (CELAT) (Practice-based Study)

« Transparency and Sovereignty in Contact-tracing Networks »
Cera Y. J. Tan

« Mediating Quarantine: Considering Netflix’s Homemade through Baudrillard’s Hyperreal and the Banal »
Amanda Hill

« Baudrillard and the Prophetic: Reimagining the Twin Towers in Avengers: Infinity War »
Loraine Haywood

« Jean Baudrillard and the Challenge of Photography »
Olga Smith

« Canned Reactions and FIFA Noise: The Specter of the Audience During a Pandemic »
Jeff Heydon

« Seduction Against Production: A Playful Way of Creating Knowledge »
Camille Zéhenne (Practice-based Study)

« “That’s Not You”: Reclaiming the “Real” in Rosie the Riveter Re-appropriations »
Kathleen M. Ryan

« Jean Baudrillard and Feminism: Sara Ahmed and the Necessity to “Forget Baudrillard” »
David Guignion

« “You Are Here”: On Driving with Baudrillard through the Desert »
Levi Jackson (Practice-based Study)