Adèle Garnier (CELAT) et Naoko Hashimoto ont publié récemment le court éditorial « Managing Forced Displacement: Refugee Resettlement and Complementary Pathways », qui vient clore le numéro spécial du même nom, qu’elles ont dirigé depuis 2021 dans la revue Frontiers in Human Dynamics.
Extrait du texte d’Adèle Garnier et Naoko Hashimoto
« Refugee resettlement aims to offer refugees long-term protection in countries who voluntarily commit to the admission of refugees yet select refugees for admission in function of specific selection criteria. Since the end of the Cold War, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has emphasized that vulnerability be the most important resettlement criterion, alongside with the absence of possibility for refugees to safely return to their countries of origin or to integrate locally in their first country of asylum. Focusing on vulnerability, UNHCR recommends “traditional” resettlement for <10% of refugees worldwide – and eventually <1% have, for years, been resettled. Alongside resettlement, recent international initiatives such as the Global Compact on Refugees have promoted the expansion of “complementary pathways” in which refugees are resettled on the basis of other selection criteria such as education and skills, and where non-state actors are also strongly involved in the resettlement process. Several countries and actors have in the last decade become involved in such schemes. In this edited collection, emerging and established scholars offer insights into resettlement and complementary pathways from their design and their implementation in global and local perspective, focusing on countries in which refugees are selected for resettlement, to the processing at work during resettlement schemes, to the participation of resettled refugees in resettling states. »